Mapping indigenous oral histories: The project to develop this application was initiated the Amazon Conservation Team (ACT), an organization which partners with indigenous and other traditional communities in the Amazon rainforest to help them protect their ancestral lands and maintain their traditional culture. In 2017, ACT realized the need to develop a custom interactive mapping application designed for mapping and safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage expressed in indigenous place-based oral histories, which are at risk of disappearing. Through Mapbox's Community Team, we were acquainted with Ruby for Good, a volunteer developer community, who got started building Terrastories. The first version of the application was built at Ruby for Good 2018 for a Surinamese community called the Matawai, and since then, dozens of communities across the world have used the application for their own needs.
Terrastories is a free and open-source (FOSS) application and we are looking forward to working with communities across the world in helping them use Terrastories, as recently undertaken in Ontario, Canada.
Currently, Terrastories is being maintained by Digital Democracy, in partnership with a team of volunteer stewards.
The Terrastories Stewards are a small, mostly volunteer collective who are guiding the development roadmap, managing and building the volunteer community, reviewing contributions to the code, and getting interested users started in working with Terrastories. Would you like to be a Terrastories steward? Contact us!
The following list of amazing people have directly contributed to the Terrastories codebase, as of August 2020. This does not include graphic designers, UX/UI designers, indigenous partners, and others who had an amazing idea about how Terrastories could be even better!